
REPL Dr. Advice No 23

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹177.00.

Atrophy of the Breast, Painful Breast, Increased Breast Size

Composition of  Dr. Advice No. 23

  • Chimaphila Umbellata Q
  • Conium Maculatum 30x
  • Sabal Serrulata Q
  • Lycopodium 30x
  • Sepia 30x
  • Urtica Urens Q
  • Agnus Castus Q
  • Pulsatilla Q

Indication of Dr. Advice No. 23

Rapid atrophy of breasts. women with very large breasts and tumor in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it. Breasts shrivel.

Dr. Advice No. 23 Mode of Action

  • Chimaphila Umbellata Q: Rapid atrophy of breasts, Painful tumour of breast in young unmarried women.
  • Conium Maculatum 30x: Inflammation of the mammae with stitches.
  • Sabal Serrulata Q: Breasts increase in size, in nursing women. Stinging pain in both breasts.
  • Lycopodium 30x: Swelling of the breasts with nodosities, milk in breasts with net being pregnant.
  • Sepia 30x: Excorition of nipples induration of breast.
  • Urtica Urens Q: Great swelling of breasts copious milk.
  • Agnus Castus Q: Milk scanty or entirely suppressed in laying women. Swelling & inflammation.
  • Pulsatilla Q: Lumps on breasts of girls before puberty, or escape of them. Breasts swell.

Dose of Dr. Advice No. 23

10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3-4 times daily for 3-6 months.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken based on symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

Weight50 g
Dimensions3.5 × 3.5 × 9 cm


Form of Medicine



Breast Atrophy, Increased Breast Size, Painful Breast

Ideal For


Medicine Type

Patent Drops


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