
New Ortho Power Tablets

Original price was: ₹145.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.

Sprains, Stiffness of Muscles, Swellings, Pains, Sciatica, Joint pain

New Ortho Power Tablets

Primary Use: For Rheumatism Joint and Muscle Pain


Composition of New Ortho Power Tablets

  • Natrum Salicyli 3x
  • Kali Loadatum 3x
  • Caffenum 3x
  • Acid Benzo 3x
  • Colchicum 3x
  • Rhus Tox 3x
  • Magnesia Phosphorica 12x
  • Bryonia 3x
  • Gnaphalium 6x


How New Ortho Power Tablets Work

Joint Pain Tablets work as an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant that helps in improving blood circulation. It can reduce the strain on joints that is often caused due to wear and tear and excessive movement. It can give relief from the first application with visible improvement.

New Ortho Power Tablets is a homeopathic pain relief supplement that can provide relief from joint pain, knee pain, back pain, arthritis, stiffness, and muscle and body pain.


Doses of New Ortho Power Tablets

One tablet two times after food or as directed by the physician.

Weight30 g
Dimensions3 × 3 × 5 cm

Rohit Homoeo Lab.


Arthritis, Joints Pain, Rheumatism, Stiffness of Muscles

Form of Medicine


Medicine Type

Patent Tablets


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